
Selasa, 01 November 2011

About Cat Breeds and Picking a Healthy Cat Cats are perhaps the most unique animals kept as pets, and their is an astounding variety of cat breeds and types to choose from

Cats are perhaps the most unique animals kept as pets, and their is an astounding variety of cat breeds and types to choose from. As they moved indoors and became house pets, a great appreciation for their unique behaviors and characteristics developed. They are clean, affectionate and playful, yet are also dignified, patient and courageous. Cats have become the most popular pet in America, and have even overtaken dogs as favored companion animals.

You don't own a cat like you would a dog, or other types of companion animals. They are uniquely independent. The master/owner relationship enjoyed with dogs is rare with a cat. Though cats may be trained to do things like come when called, or perform tricks or other tasks, a cat owner quickly realizes it is not because they are the masters. Cats could be described as "choosing" to live with you and grace you with their fabulous and fascinating presence.

Before getting a cat, review your lifestyle and any perceived changes in your lifestyle. Consider the members of your family and the impact a cat will have on them, as well as the needs of the cat. Consider things such as age, are their infants or elderly in the household. Also think about health and safety, does anyone suffer from allergies, have problems with their immune system, or have a chronic illness.

You've decided you are ready for a cat, so now comes the fun part... which cat do you want?
To help choose your pet cat explore the cat breeds, cat behaviors and personality traits of different breeds, and the cat types below. Cat breeds and cat types are not the same thing. Cat types are unique, distinct body forms that make for some very interesting appearances. Pick your ideal cat, review the tips on getting a healthy cat, and enjoy you're new feline friend and companion!