
Selasa, 01 November 2011

Choosing the Best Cat. Choosing the Best Cat There are many domestic cats readily available from a variety of sources

Choosing the Best Cat There are many domestic cats readily available from a variety of sources. So when choosing a cat, It's important to first determine whether you want a male or female cat, and whether an adult or a kitten is the best choice. Next think about is what it looks like, what kind of personality it has, how will it behave, and make sure you pick a cat that will fit with your lifestyle and home.

Care and maintenance considerations then follow, for example, choosing a longhair or shorthair cat impacts grooming and hairballs. For guidelines on care and maintenance, read about Cat Care. But no matter what type of cat you choose, you want to make sure you pick a healthy cat.

Cat Breeds A cat must have a traceable lineage going back several generations to be registered as a pedigreed cat. Although the term "purebred" is often used by the general public, it is not used by breeders of the cat fancy in general. Currently only about 3 percent or so of the pet cats are considered to be to be pure-bred cats.

All domestic cats, whether they are common cats or pedigree cats, belong to the same species Felis catus, also called Felis domesticus. The types of domestic cat breeds include:
  • Natural Cat Breeds
    Natural breeds have evolved over long periods of time and are "breeding true". Generations of inbreeding have set the traits that define the breed. Each breed is also associated with a specific area or geographic location.
  • Mutation Cat Breeds
    Cat mutations do not have an ancient history. They are developed for an unusual and distinctive genetic characteristic or mutation.
  • Hybrid Cat Breeds
    Hybrids are also called mixed breed cats. Similar to mutation cats, they also have a more recent history. This is any cat that has more than one breed in its blood. Or it can be a mix between a domestic breed and an African wild cat species. Mixed breed cats make up more than 99% of the worlds total cat population
Exotic cats are those of different genus and species than the "common" cat. The term exotic cat generally refers to wild cat species, rather than a domestic cat breed, that are kept as pets or in domestic confinement. This category includes all types of wild species, from smallish bobcats to very large tigers, as well as all endangered wild cat species.

Cat Behaviors & Personality Although all cats are, well cats, yet there are differences in breeds and each cat breed has a unique set of qualities. Some cat breeds are easier to handle than others. While some are gentle, cuddly and very social, others are rambunctious and always ready to play or pounce. Some can be aloof or somewhat reserved, and prefer less holding or petting. Also, the amount of shedding is dependent upon the breed, rather than on the length of the fur.
Some breeds are more appropriate for certain age groups or personality types. All domestic cats are usually appropriate for adults, but different types of cats can be better suited to one individual's lifestyle than another's. This leads to your personal preferences, ask your self what attributes you want in a cat and look at breeds with those characteristics.

The amount of affection a cat shows depends upon breed type, upbringing and genetic makeup. A cat's behavior towards humans depends to a certain extent on the kind of first contact a cat has with humans, but also on the cat's personality. Socialization is very important for kittens to become well-balanced companions as adult cats. But even with plenty of socialization, some types of cats do tend to be less affectionate than others.