
Selasa, 01 November 2011

Serval cats are a small cat species originating from Africa, Serval Cats Serval, African Serval, Servaline

Serval cats are a small cat species originating from Africa. They have many of the loving characteristics of domestic cats, but they also have an intrinsic wild side, instinctive in their nature. Although they are called small cats, that's a relative term. A domestic cat will be somewhere between about 7 to 20 pounds while the size of an African Serval ranges between 18 to 40 pounds, with males being the largest. Compared to other wild cats however, they are small. The largest of the big cats, such as the Amur or Siberian Tigers, have males that can reach range between 400 to 670 pounds.
There are seven small wild cat species that are kept as pets, but the African Serval is one of the most distinctive. They look similar to a small version of the cheetah, but are in fact an entirely different species. These exotic beauties have a wonderful coat that is yellowish to reddish brown with distinctive dark spots and stripes. There are also a couple of varieties including the all Black Serval, and the woodland Servaline which has much smaller spots in its patterning. Servals have a long slender build and long legs. The back legs are slightly longer than the front. Their body form is then complimented with a narrow head and very large, prominent ears.
Servals are a swift and graceful predator in the African bush. Everything about the appearance and body form of this cat reflects its natural instincts, behaviors, and abilities. Their coat provides a perfect camouflage, their long back legs provide incredible power in a leap, and they have acute hearing with those large ears. What they lack in size they make up for in speed and agility. They are versatile stealth hunters that will stalk their prey or patiently crouch in the brush listening intently for quarry. With the slightest rustle they leap in a graceful arc, up to 10 feet into the air, pouncing on their prey and striking with a chop of their paws. These incredible cats have a 50 percent success rate, a phenomenal feat in the cat world.
Domestically bred African Servals are raised as pets, and are often available. Like domestic cat breeds, they are lively and playful, and become very affectionate and devoted to their owners. They have a loud purr and express affection with endearing head butts. Rather than a meow, they make a chirping sound. Some of their traits can be likened to that of a dog. They can be trained to walk on a leash, and love to play fetch.
Serval cats make fascinating pets, but they are not for everyone. They are very active, but are also shy and will take dedicated time and attention from their owner to develop a close bond. Once they become your friend however, you have a companion for up to 20 years. Their size and active nature takes forethought to make your home cat proof. Their nature is such that to keep them in a household with children, or with other pets also takes special consideration, and is not it is not assured that it will work out. Serval cats can be a dream come true for a devoted cat lover, one dedicated to ensuring the health and well-being of this animal as well as the other members of the household.
Keep in mind that ownership of lesser cats may be regulated by state and/or local laws. So be sure to check with the authorities in your area to see if permits, licensing, or any other obligations must be met, before obtaining a Serval.
Habitat: Natural geographic locationThe Serval Leptailurus serval was described by Schreber in 1776. It was previously described as Felis serval, the scientific name Caracal serval is a synonym. Common names this species is known by are Serval, Serval Cats, African Serval, Servaline, Poor Man's Cheetah, and Chat-tigre (French).
This cat species has a long heritage, and descends from the same Felid ancestor as the Lion. Serval cats have a similar spotted appearance and belong to the same family (Felidae) and sub-family (Felinae) as the fastest animal on earth, the Cheetah Acinonyx jubatus. These two species have a number of traits in common, and it is believed that ancient Servals are the ancestors of the Cheetah. The Cheetah however, can grow up to 53 inches in length and weigh up to 140 pounds, while the smaller Serval only grows to a length of about three feet.
The Serval L. serval is a distinct exotic cat species, and not to be confused with the Caracal cat C. caracal. The Serval is closely allied with the African Golden Cat Caracal aurata and Caracal Caracal caracal, but are believed to have diverged from a common ancestor about 5.4 million years ago. Like the Serval, the Caracal also inhabits a broad range across central and southern Africa, as well as the Middle East, Pakistan and India. It is sometimes referred to as the Caracal Lynx as it closely resembles the Eurasian Lynx, and has tufts in its ears. It differs from the Lynx however, with having longer legs and shorter fur.
African Serval Varieties
  • Servaline
    The Servaline cat, once thought to be a separate species, is a small woodland dwelling species. They have the same bold markings, but smaller. Their spots are more like specks on some individuals.
  • Black Serval
    An all black species lives in the highland areas of East Africa, such as in the Aberdares Mountain range in Kenya.
  • White Serval
    White Servals have a white background with grayish spots and stripes. These cats have not been documented in the wild, but there have been four born in captivity in the 1990's..
African Serval Habitat
Serval cats are widely distributed across the sub-Sahara, a large expanse of central and southern Africa. They are found in a variety of terrains with the exception of tropical rainforests and the Saharan desert. They inhabit well-watered grassy savannahs and alpine grasslands, dense forested areas along waterways, agricultural lands, and in the east heading to the Mediterranean coast they are found from the semi-desert terrains to oak forests. Hunted for its beautiful striped and spotted coat, the serval is now a threatened species. Some fall prey to natives who also hunt the cat for its meat.
Serval Cats Diet in Nature
In the wild, Servals eat a variety of small to mid-sized prey. The majority of their diet consists of rodents, which is followed by birds the size of Guinea Fowl. They also eat small mammals including hares, hyraxes, and small antelopes such as Duikers and Oribi. On the more exotic side, they will eat frogs and lizards, and occasionally will eat termites, grasshoppers, and even some plants.
Hybrid cats developed from the Serval
  • Caraval, Servical, and Cara -Serval
    This is a hybrid cat developed from crossing the Serval with the Caracal. Both the Caracal and the African Serval are wild cats with a number of similarities, but they have distinctly different coats. The Caracal has a deep reddish-gray, sand, or gray coat, while the Serval always has a well defined spotted pattern on a lighter background. They are of similar size and there have been documented hybrids resulting from crossings of these two species. These hybrid breed cats are referred to by names such as Caraval, Servical, and Cara -Serval.
  • Savannah Cats
    These are a hybrid cat breed, with the Serval wild cat being successfully crossed with domestic cats. The first successful cross was in 1986 by breeder Judee Frank, who crossed a male Serval, belonging to Suzi Woods, with a natural breed cat, a Siamese female domestic cat.
  • Servalynx
    The Servalynx is a non-standard Savannah. They are a very new type of hybrid created by crossing a Savannah hybrid cat with a Pixiebob domestic cat hybrid. These are experimental crosses, bred for short tails, polydactyl feet. and thicker more muscular bodies. They are still in the experimental stage, so not yet recognized by any cat organizations.