Servals cats can make wonderful household pets, but they are energetic animals with very special needs!
If you are thinking about getting an African Serval as a companion, find in-depth information on cat behaviors and cat care here, Serval Cats as Pets. Ownership of lesser cats (small wild cats) may be regulated by state and/or local law. For example the state of Pennsylvania, where the African Servals seen here live, required an inspection, a permit, and a 4 foot wide x 6 foot high x 8 foot deep cage (4'Wx6'Hx8'D) for a single cat. Be sure you check for any current requirements in your area.
The pair of parent African Serval cats featured here are Mouse-E, a 3 year old male African Serval, and his queen, Siss-E. Mouse-E and Siss-E are the proud parents of three offspring.
"Mouse-E weighs about 44 lbs. and likes to eat. He also likes to open doors, sleep, chase our domestics cats, hug, kiss, help his mom fix food for the other animals, hiss intensely at his human male and travel at supersonic speeds around the house!"... Sally.
These cats are very energetic, besides racing around the house they love to explore. They love to go outside, and they even enjoy playing in the rain. But be careful not to let your pet get outdoors without being restrained, as Servals are very difficult to catch. Fortunately, they are very smart and can be harness trained, which helps a lot when you need to take them outdoors in the open.
"Mouse-E and Siss-E escaped one night at 10:00 pm. After their escape we found Mouse-E lying in a neighbors yard eating grass while Siss-E was chasing fireflies (lightning bugs)"... Sally.
There is a wild side to the nature of these intelligent cats. They react in fear when being chased. So if they do escape, you're best bet for catching them is to have a well established, trusting, relationship of trust. It's best if they will come to you!
African Serval cats are curious and attentive. They are very skilled at probing holes with their long forepaws. Servals in captivity will frequently stick their paw in someone's pocket to fish around for interesting items.
"All our servals eat Mazuri Exotic Feline Small, chicken, turkey, and a supplement. Of course they also find the occasional loaf of bread, toilet paper, and paper towels. In which case these playful cats truly think these items must be destroyed and scattered about!"... Sally
Servals are sometimes referred to as "the poor mans cheetah". They are capable of jumping 15ft. straight in the air, from a sitting position, to snatch birds in flight.
These incredible lesser cats can also reach speeds of 45 mph for short distances. African Servals have huge ears that enable them to pinpoint rodents and pounce directly on the animal in the long savannah grasses.
Written In conjunction with Sally Comstock of Hilltop Cattery, Pennsylvania