Welsh Terrier

The Welsh Terrier is a fun, zippy, feisty fellow who is the calmest of the terrier breeds. Yet he is always on the lookout for action and entertainment. He will retrieve a ball for hours and just wants to be involved in whatever is happening with the family. He also loves to swim. They are easy to train and do well in agility, earthdog, obedience, rally, and tracking trials. They can be difficult to housetrain. They are loyal, loving, affectionate, friendly, and outgoing to people and other dogs. But they also like to chase anything that moves and are safest with a fenced-in yard. The Welsh Terrier is patient with children, but all child/dog interactions should be supervised, for the safety of both the child and the dog. The Welshie has a cheerful and spirited desire to please you. He is a natural athlete. They are not aggressive, but they will stand their ground. This active little dog needs an active family to keep him busy, happy, entertained, and loved.
Welsh Terrier Training
The Welsh Terrier is moderately easy to train. He learns new commands at the average rate. He is neither difficult nor easy to train.
Welsh Terrier Shedding
The Welsh Terrier sheds practically no hair at all. You'll virtually never find a hair in your home!